
Sunday 9.30am
Mon/Tues/Wed 9.00am
Holy Days 7.30pm

Celebration of Word & Communion
Thurs/Fri/Sat 9.00am

Sacrament of Reconciliation
On request Mon/Tues/Wed (Mass)
At St. Mary's Week days 12.30 12.55pm
Saturday 11.00 11.55 & 6.00-6.25pm

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Saturday 9.00 – 9.45am

Pre-Baptism programmes are available twice yearly and are announced in the newsletter.

Normally at least six months notice should be given. A priest assisted by a group of lay people carries out marriage preparation, usually as a Derby Deanery Programme. Courses arranged by Marriage Care and Engaged Encounter are recommended. Natural family planning training is also available. Catholics are reminded of their obligation to preserve their faith and to do all within the unity of their partnership to have all their children baptised and brought up as catholics. Non catholic partners will be informed of this promise but are not asked to make any similar promise.

These are arranged through the funeral directors.